Visit in Berbersdorf


Voit takes a look at what WITRON does

In January, the new colleagues from the Voit company took a look at what a WITRON logistics center looks like from the inside. For this purpose, they visited the Edeka logistics center in Berbersdorf, Germany.

How does a WITRON logistics center actually work?
Our new WITRON Stahlfertiger colleagues (formerly Voit Stefan GmbH) were also curious about that. So, they visited our plant in Berbersdorf and got their answer there.

On January 20, the Voit colleagues visited the logistics center of Edeka in Berbersdorf. "We were all impressed by the complexity of the travel paths and the speed of the processes," summarizes Managing Director Stefan Voit.

The day began early at 6 a.m. with the departure to Berbersdorf. At 9 a.m., the Voit employees visited Edeka's logistics center there. Afterwards, they started the return journey so that everyone could be in Parkstein on time for lunch at 1:30 pm. Here, a tour of the company premises was also on the agenda. It was a productive and very interesting day for everyone.

As the managing director, I was particularly pleased with the very long applause that there was on the bus on the way back from Parkstein to Pleystein. It was noticeable that the decision was now accepted by everyone. Mr. Winkler inspired us with his speech and guidance in Parkstein. We all have confidence in him and are ready to move forward together towards a golden future.

Everyone agrees: They are looking forward to the new challenges and are ready to share their skills and knowledge with us.